From: Frank Robertson (
Date: Sun Mar 26 2006 - 13:33:28 PST
Thanks, I have received 3 responses on 1 day. I hope they keep coming
-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce C. Beattie [mailto:bruce@EECS.Berkeley.EDU]
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 12:02 PM
To: Frank Robertson
Cc: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] Really Good Idea for Addition to My Webpage, Your
I think this sounds like a terrific idea!
Bruce MVPA 23824
Frank Robertson wrote:
>A friend of mine came up with a REALLY good idea today, which really
>surprised me :); he said to add a page to my webpage for YOUR junk
>Everybody shows how well they look restored. So a lot of guys say, mine can
>NEVER look like that. Let's let people see what we STARTED with.
>So I am going to add a page called "Other People's Junk".
>Send me the photo of your halftrack in the worst shape that you have. And a
>photo of what it looks like now. EVEN if you have not finished. Tell you
>friends to do like wise.
>It might give other some hope as what CAN be done with a lot of work and
>Maybe someone will remember that one they know of and think, Hey that one
>doesn't look so bad after all.
>Size does not matter, I can resize them. Email them to
>If you need to snail mail me hard copies send them to,
>Midsouth Vending
>Att Frank Robertson
>PO BX 181033
>Memphis, TN 38118
>Please send me the Photos; I really think this is a good idea.
>What say You..
>M3 Autocar....................M3 Diamond T
>Have owned
>M5A1 Stuart
>Have Restored
>President West TN Military Vehicle Collectors
>MVPA Member # 17391
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