37 Ford 2 DR Sedan Drivers Door ???

From: Thomas M McHugh (tmmchugh@msn.com)
Date: Thu Apr 13 2006 - 13:00:27 PDT

HELP !!!

Does anyone have a source for a 1937 Ford 2DR Sedan Drivers Door ???

I park the trailer that I carry my 1952 M38A1 on property owned by the 37
Ford owner. Although this list is about Military Vehicles, there are many
areas that still have old Ford parts available.

Don needs help in finding a door & I certainly appreciate parking a 27FT
Trailer free.

Any & all help will be appreciated.

Tom McHugh, NJ
1952 M38A1
M-416 Trailer
Three (3) 1955 Fords
MVPA, MTA, Red Ball Transport

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