If I remembering right the Ural is OHV
** They made both, the one I have is a flathead. Believe the story went
the Germans actually sold the rights for URAL ( formerly a factory very
FAR west of the Ural mountains) to make the exact copy of the BMW R71
model. Russians copied it exactly, but maybe a bit cheaper material &
quality. 1941 Germans invade Russia & Russians pack up whole factory &
move it to Ural mountain area where it remains today still pumping out
rigs. NOW I beleive, maybe even as early as during the war the Germnans
made an overhead valve model as well, this also the Russians copied and
produced at the Dnepr factory ( which was I am lead to believe was the
actual German WWII factory In Germany till after the war when for war
"booty" the Russians moved it west to the Dnepr River valley area, hence
the name) and is still also in producation.
Story went that during time between the Russians & Germans being "at
peace" and the part where the Germans attacked into Russia, there were
"skirmish's" between the Russians and THE CHINESE up near their borders.
Results of this included the Chinese captuuring some Russian rigs and in
turn THEY copied them as well. These are the current Chiang Jiang(sp?)
rigs you see being imported. There are some modern touches, but its
still a cool ole flathead engine.
and the German BMW's were flat heads.
** Course the Germans used everything they could get ahold of as well,
single cyloinder bikes were very prevalent as well
The chinese Chang Jiang is a flathead copy of an earlier Russian bike.
** Yep, kinda cool & scary. A 1920's design, made by Germans, copied by
the Russians ( starting to go downhill......), then by the Chinese, and
still being made & sold today