From: Thomas M McHugh (
Date: Thu Apr 27 2006 - 17:31:00 PDT
I am not sure what new plate you are referring to, but I bought the
One change the NJ Military Vehicles are allowed is only hanging the Rear
Tom McHugh, NJ
----- Original Message -----
> I've been tagging vehicles with NJ Historic Tags since 1973. I've never
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"PERSONALIZED QQ PLATES" I was lucky to get "38A1" for my 1952 M38A1.
I do not remember how much extra it cost. Possibly $50. It is worth it
since if we can afford toys, we can afford frills to go with them.
Plate. You must carry the front plate inside the vehicle.
1952 M38A1
M-416 trailer
MVPA, MTA, Red Ball Transport
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Historic vs Collector Vehicle
> encountered a mileage limitation with NJ, only with the insuramce
> companies. By law, you can only use the vehicle as stated on the
> tag application, these being in part, car shows and car club activities.
> After one of our MV club members encountered a problem while out
> for a Suday drive (police officer ordered him out of town because
> there were no parades that day), I contacted NJDOT and was
> advised that by the letter of the law there is no provision for
> casual outings, like a Sunday drive, while tagged as NJ Historic Vehicle.
> The DOT man did say that it would take a real rat of a cop to cite
> someone for the offense, but it can happen. NJ has created a new
> tag for collector cars, but I don't think that our mil-vehicles qualify.
> Joe Young
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