From: James Shanks (
Date: Mon May 01 2006 - 16:49:42 PDT
You don't need an army to harvest sugar cane
anymore as a very efficient harvesting machine
has been in use in Brazil for years. Also they
don't truck the cane to central processing
plants. They use smaller processing plants for
two or three plantations and use the waste plant
material as fuel to generate electrical power to
run the plant and sell the excess power on the
grid. The show I dsaw stated the plant produced
enough Alcohol to power 11,000 cars. The fact is
Alcohol would never entirely replace gasoline but
it could eliminate our need to import it.
The oil companies have alreaddy been quoted if
Alternative fuels start making big inroads to gas
use they will drop the price.
> >>some notes from the CIA world factbook:
> >>USA arable land: 18% area
> >>USA permanent crops 0.21% area
> >>
> >>Now look upon God's bounty by which we have
> too much
> >>food to eat, most of
> >>it coming from that and much of the arable
> land is
> >>used somewhat
> >>inefficiently for beef production. Ok corn
> won't cut
> >>it, but cane would, if
> >>we have the water resources.
> >>
> >>
> >>But to discuss the statements below:
> >>I believe that corn gives you an output of
> 1.1 to 1
> >>versus input, and sugar
> >>cane gives more like 8 to 1. more labor
> intensive to
> >>harvest. (examine Brazil)
James Shanks
1985 M-1009
1998 IMZ 8.103
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