Re: DOT 3/4/5

From: noel shelley (
Date: Sun May 07 2006 - 02:56:17 PDT

Dear All,
               The reason racers use DOT 5 is that when DOT3/4 gets hot IF
there is absorbed moisture it will boil causing a steam bubble and TOTAL
brake failure . On cooling the fluid reabsorbs the moisture and the cause of
the failure is a "mystery "!
I know because a customer of mine had this happen , and I was able to prove
to him what had happened . A dragging caliper caused the fluid ( moisture)
to boil after about 15 miles, and a loss of brake at the roundabout
frightened him ---- less. It is also the cause of many so called
unexplained accidents where the driver claims the brakes failed but on
inspection all works fine !!!!!!!!
IF you live in a mountain region change your fluid every 3 years or change
to DOT 5.

                                  Good luck Noel

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