From: CR & KJ Cundy (
Date: Thu May 11 2006 - 08:57:14 PDT
Cool !! As info -- In Rapid City, SD -- Dan Gorman (A&A junk yard owner
1525 Seger Drive (800)341-5865 (605)341-5555)
has just completed a BIG building. Is an auto museum w/ some NICE old cars
AND a HALF TRACK which I'm told is NICE.
Will be awhile before I will be able to see it -- even then I don't have
dig. camera yet to share w/ list. Perhaps someone
from this list closeby ?? Good luck on tour project.
CR Cundy (CCCC)"Custer County Cundy Clan"
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 11:25 PM
Subject: [MV] all work and no play
> Well, I'm happy to report that I think I've finally found a front bumper
> for my half track with some help from a member of this list. Shipping
> expense is gonna be a 24 carat gold plated muthah if I can get this
> bumper. I should have taken up stamp collecting.
> Lads, the mil-veh list is what it is. I dare say most of us are old
> enough to remember the days when we had party lines for our telephones.
> Try to think of it that way. There is always a certain amount of monkey
> business going on but if you can't at LEAST appreciate the humor in it and
> if you can't appreciate the fact that there are quite a few guys out there
> who still know how to have fun, then you have my pity. Your life must be
> very dull...and for you guys who want everything just SO...well, I'm glad
> you're not cops because you'd be out there writing tickets for 1 mph over
> the limit and driving everyone plumb crazy. Hold the reins loosely!
> I've seen a lot of posts lately dealing with what the mil-veh list IS and
> what it SHOULD be, but very little about what everyone is doing with their
> MV's lately. So I'm gonna jump start this puppy and see if y'all will
> follow suit.
> It's SPRING, when many of us turn to thoughts of what we want to be doing
> with our MV's. I just sold my Corvette and am looking forward to tackling
> the half track and maybe do a bit on the Scout Car. Here is what's coming
> up (if I have my way).
> I have Gary Hebding lining up the remaining little parts I need for
> overhauling the rear suspension. New tracks and rollers are the order of
> the day as well as servicing the back brakes and idlers while I'm in
> there.
> Buying Gary's repro rear armor/floor kit is simply out of my reach
> financially. My current back end is a hybrid with some home-made parts
> that lack some detail. Not nasty, but not nearly right. I think I can
> make it better. Not to be stopped by a little thing like lack of dough,
> I'm planning on buying a plasma cutter and perhaps a sheet metal brake and
> getting on with it come hell or high water. What the hell...they can kill
> me, but they can't eat me. Oh, and I'm going to tackle my driver
> comparment floor panels. They rattle and that makes me nuts. Can't wait
> to shut them up!
> I have two original rear side armor panels and a rear inner fender for the
> Scout which I plan on having reproduced locally. Since they are mirror
> images right and left, I'm good to go. The floor is very rudimentary and
> the Army has a complete Scout nearby that I can examine for accurate
> measurements on just about everything. It'll feel good doing SOMETHING on
> the Scout Car. It has been sitting for SO long!
> What do you deuce-a-holics do for fun? I'd LOVE to have the deuce with
> the rotater boom crane / wrecker.
> Last thing...some advice for everybody. Relax and enjoy the hobby, enjoy
> the mil-veh list, Steel Soldiers and whatever MV fun you can
> find...where-ever you can find it.
> Regards,
> TJ
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