special lighting for shelters

From: Patrick Jankowiak (recycler@swbell.net)
Date: Wed May 31 2006 - 17:09:29 PDT

For those of us who happen to need a red light in the shelter for
night time, and also want to have a white light, and are using
flourescent lamps, I found a real cool and easy (and yes cheap) way to
do this.

Slip a tubular theatrical filter sleeve over the lamp. What? where to
find this kind of thing you ask? right here:


Go there and click on GAMTUBE. they also fit over several kinds of
lamp bulbs like compact flourescent and come pre-cut to length or in
10' lengths.

Now, since they come in many colors, you need to pick the right ones.
after all you want red, not pink!

For those using two or more fixtures, one fixture can be filtered to
pass red only and one can be filtered light blue-green, passing as
much of the rest of the spectrum as possible, except red. Together
they make a pretty good white, and when you shut off the blue-green
one, you got the big time red!

The colors I picked were:
245 'red'
720 'blue'

These work well with cool white flourescent lamps. Warm white ones
might give a slightly green tint, but not enough to be annoying. -then
again you pick the colors to match.

I put the red filter right over the radio operator area, and the
blue-green on the fixtures on the other side.

There is a color wheel on the site, where you can examine the spectral
transmission of each color.

you can also make your own 3D glasses..


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