From: Julian Burke (
Date: Fri Jun 16 2006 - 13:34:30 PDT
Anti freeze is not flamable-never was. Who told you that? Your mixture of
kerosene was. Cars would be exploding in crashes or common radiator leaks!
That's why it isn't flamable.
Antifreeze was never meant to be used straight. 50/50 is the proper mix.
You're right, straight antifreeze does not give proper protection. Think
about it...................why isn't straight antifreeze better??? It has
to have a water content for the chemical mixture. Because of shipping is
why it comes straight. You would need more mix and would then come in 5
gallon bottles. Would make it cost more too.
Julian Burke
> How much fluid in CUCV Radiator
> I have been told that the old familiar anti-freeze as it comes out of
> bottle is flammable - never tried it - has anyone heard this, and what
> about new stuff is it flammable?
> And while on subject - straight anti-freeze does not give same protection
> from low temperature as 50/50 mix, it will freeze at a higher temp than
> mix will. - so I have heard, never tried it.
> Back many years ago my buddies and I could not afford antifreeze - we used
> 2/3 kerosene, 1/3 water and hand full of detergent - detergent kept
> mixture mixed, at least we thought it did. Never had a freeze up.
> E
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