From: SGM PANTANO (TRUKS1@msn.com)
Date: Tue Jun 20 2006 - 10:32:09 PDT

I spent over 34 years in the US MILITARY - to defend our country...no matter
what.... Right behind our backs...we get attacked from within -- by a
weeeeenie licking , pantie raising congress and other US Government
agencies....dealt on one item === Taking our rights and privileges away
while we are busy with out of CONUS actions and such......They --you know
who they are....have gone a bit too far...removing our right to Life -
Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness... All of which has been destroyed by
the like of the Clinton's -- Kennedy's....Feinstein's...You know the
I am depressed at what has happened to our FREE country...which today is no
more FREE than RUSSIA or any other country...
I'm sorry to bring this up..but it is true...and needs attention... I am in
great pain now...so this may get a bit off track... Having a kidney stone
attack... for real..
I just watched a old film - which reminded me of something that set me
off..... Israel..... When I worked in NYC in the 60's...I almost volunteered
to go fight over there.. The United States at the time gave them TONS and
TONS of good US equipment. half-tracks, tanks, trucks... You name
it...Today ---right now as you read this...there are still MANY tanks --
SHERMANS..and MANY half-tracks still there..BUT - our Government will not
allow us to import them...because they fear we will use them to overthrow
our wonderful Government.??? What the hell is wrong here.? You ALL need to
write your Congressmen and Women....to remind them that the vehicles are
collector items..not worthy of going into a war..?! Geezz.. The BATF has
everyone so filled with their beliefs that we will never come out of this
hole they put us in.. We will never be able to exert or FREEDOM.. NEVER. I
made 2 calls about bringing a SHERMAN back into the US from Israel..and
was laughed at--- Laughed at..... I could have ripped his throat out...
It is true.. There are also MANY STUARTS in South America.. You can not
bring one into the country.... Same crap... Who on this list has any friends
that can work on stuff like this...We as collectors of Military Vehicles and
such do not need these Law Makers - making laws to take our rights away...!!
I'm off the Soap Box...... Needed to be said...and needs to acted on --or --
you will have NO vehicles soon.. Gene

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