> Talking of UAZ jeeps, there is a rash of them over here in Italy, I had
> never seen one previously in the UK. Sort of the same overall size as a
> LWB 'Series' Land Rover but with an ugly rounded off front end. Sorry,
> no identifying numbers on those I have seen.
> Can you identify from this sketchy description (not that I want one !)
Hi Paul.
Sounds like the UAZ469 to me. The GAZ69A is much nicer looking. UAZ is
the Uljanov Automobil Factory (Zavodny=Factory), which took over where the
Gorkii Automobil Factory left off in about 1956. If I were to find a close
approximation between a UAZ469 and a Brit wagon, I'd say it looks similar to
the Austin Champ. (Sorry Austin.....)