Hi Richard... Glad to hear you enjoyed our show. We had around 2,200
vehicles turn up in the end, with more than 500 from outside the UK.
The so called '2 day show', for sat and sun 20th and 21st began just
after I started laying out the display areas as far back as the 14th. By
wed 17th I already had nearly 500 vehicles on site. There were only 3
'Stollys' (Stalwarts), on site....any that are in reasonable shape have
been hunted down by agents for one of the 'Banana Republics', over the
last year, with good cash offers made.... too good to refuse!
I met representatives from over 80 different military vehicle groups.
There were about 30 from the US representing many different MVPA
chapters.....comment from one MVPA guy was... 'Iv'e got a damn sore
throat from all the flies Iv'e swallowed, cause all I seem to do is walk
around with my mouth hanging open'.
As an example, a convoy of 15 vehicles arrived from Freybourg (could be
mis-spelt), in Germany. With a Lynx tracked personel carrier on a
trailer. A site to behold was when the Lynx rolled out of the camp on
Thurs for an hours drive around the local countryside roads with two
hummers, with all occupants in full combat equipment resperators and
weapons (escorted front and rear by local Landrovers carrying a traffic
cop incognito also in full combats).
We have already begun planning next years show set for 'three days',
this time.....so they will probably start arriving on probably the
Saturday before !
More on the show shortly.....
Colin Brookes
Co-organiser 'War & Peace Show', Beltring 1996.
Invicta Military Vehicle Preservation Society (IMPS)