Military Vehicles, September 1996,: Re: dodge M886
Re: dodge M886
Mark R. (
Fri, 20 Sep 1996 22:42:58 -0600 (MDT)
At 08:54 PM 9/20/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I have tried to get these parts from the dealers here and I am told they are
>no longer available.
>The junkyards here have turned up similar responses.
>If anybody knows of where I might try to locate these parts please let me
>know. I would to know
>where I might get surplus paint. The vehicle was a national guard truck and
>was painted woodland camo.
>I any knows of where I can get the stencils for the camo pattern and the
>crosses that would be helpful.
Another source may be the Power Wagon Advertiser, don't know there address
off hand but could get it for you. As far as stencils for the camo pattern,
there is a manual the Army had that showed the camo patterns for each of
it's vehicles. The way we did it in the Motor Pool was use chalk to draw
the pattern on the truck, place numbers within the outline and then spray
paint by numbers...1 for black, 2 for green etc.
As far as the camo paint manual, does any one on this list know of a source.
Oh, BTW try a JC Whitney catolog. You may be surprised in what they may have.