Military Vehicles, January 1997,: Re: Budd / Fruehauf address wtd. (was: M151-series body
Re: Budd / Fruehauf address wtd. (was: M151-series body
Hanno Spoelstra (
Sun, 5 Jan 1997 18:44:33 +0100
>>I've read that when Ford started quantity production of the M151 in 1960 (at
>>the Highland Park factory in Michigan), the bodies for them were built by
Gale Barrows wrote:
>I was able to come up with a maybe address for Fruehauf Trailer Co., 111
>Monument Circle
>#3200, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204. Phone 317-630-3000.
Thanks! I'll write them and see what they can offer.
Hanno Spoelstra <H.L.Spoelstra@WbMt.TUDelft.NL>
Bloemendaal, The Netherlands