The Genmarc bodies were heavier gauge steel and he told me several
people he knew had purchased the Central MV bodies and were
somewhat displeased with them. Red River is still in negotiations with a
couple of prospective buyers for the Genmarc factory in the Phillippines,
but as of today, no deals have been made. John McCort told me several
months ago that one prospective buyer wants to relocated the factory to
Texas and other to Mexico. If it gets relocated to TX, I hate to think what
labor costs would do to prices. At any rate, don't expect to see the sale,
movement and start-up on production of the factory for a couple of more
The good news is that there are several other sources of repro parts
coming on line. George Baxter at Army Jeep Parts continues to expand
his own line of repro parts. Others are following suit. I've been talking to
several other vendors and they have all assured me of the ability to
continue to supply parts to the mil veh community. Of course, it is like so
many other endeavors. CAVEAT EMPTOR or buyer beware. If you are
new to the hobby (or business) I strongly advise you contact someone
with a list of reputable dealers or look at get a first hand look at
someone's product before laying out much cash.
Finally, when dealing with any old military jeep, don't simply assume
since it was military, you can't buy parts for it at your local parts supplier.
While this might be true at some of the larger national stores, you would
be surprised at some of the smaller vendors. I have used NAPA and Car
Quest extensively in the restoration of my 43 GPW, 52 M38 and 54
M38A1. Most of the older places which have knowledgeable workers
can look in their books and find parts numbers for both Willys MB and
Ford GPWs for 41-45. If not, in many applications, the parts are the
same as for a 46-?? CJ-2 or 3. Brakes and engines are especially true in
this regard. Wheels bearings, seals, U-joints and belts are also easily
available at these places. Of course, don't walk into Western Auto and
expect them to be able to help you. First, their computers don't go back
that far and second, most of them don't have a clue how to cross
reference anything even if they have the books available. I've tried to
ask for parts for a 1943 "Jeep" for Ford and always get a blank look. If I
say 46 CJ-2, about 90% of the time, they still can't help me unless it is
something easy like spark plugs. Don't despair, you can call Auto Zone
and many times, you will be automatically patched through to the national
HQ in Memphis. When you are, these guys can sometimes help, but you
have to ask whoever answers the phone if it is your local store or if you
are speaking to someone at the national level.
Good Luck and good hunting. I know this is probably old news to many
of you subscribers, however, hopefully it will assist some of our newer
readers. Perhaps the administrator will post this message to the newly
formed FAQ website.
Jim Rice
>>> Carmen Falcone III <> 01/09/97 05:08am >>>
Has anyone ever bought a body form Central MV Parts. I saw their ad in
the last issue of MVPA. The price is right but the freight is FOB from
the Philippines. Are they a good company to deal with? Is the body as it
is suppose to be. Please let me know.