Gear box OMD 75
Transfer box OMD 220
OMD 220 is also listed for use in the tracta joints, and bevel boxes.
Someone, poss from Maryland 4WD Center has written in SAE 30 as a US
substitute for OMD 75, and 80-90W gear oil as a US substitute for OMD 220. It
appears that the transfer box requires a thicker oil than the gear box.
My Ferret did come with all standard lighting, but had no radio equipment. I
put in the 12 volt socket so that I could run a handheld spotlight, emergency
beacon, scanner, or 2 way VHF FM radio that I use when tooling around the
mountains near my house.
Thank you and all the other Ferret fans for sharing info with me.
To quote the immortal Winnie the Pooh,
TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)