I explained that I was part of a world-wide group and that I had received
several complaints about slow service from his company. Since I live in CA I
was calling on behalf of a number of his customers to find out the status.
He seemed somewhat amazed at this, but he was not defensive. I told him about
Steve (Owens Export) and Doug -- he acknowledged both orders and said he just
has not had time to assemble everything that was ordered. He claims some of
the manuals are in short supply and he has had to order more to fill these
He said that Doug's order is "almost ready to go" and that Steve's would also
be ready "soon". He said he is a one man operation and does not have enough
time to keep up.
I told him I would assume that he is honestly trying to fulfill his obligations
on these orders and that I would communicate this information back to the
group. I recommended that he should give more feedback to his customers,
particularly since today people expect UPS, DHL, or FedEx to bnng even
international orders within a few weeks at most. He agreed that more feedback
would help but again pleaded that he did not have enough time to do
everything. I suggested that his reputation is on the line.
In sum, he may be OK but we will have to see if he comes through with his
promises. At least he now knows that he is being watched. As far as ordering
from him in the future, I would not recommend him unless time is not important
and he seems to have something not available elsewhere.
Please let me know if you actually get your orders in a reasonable time.
Best regards,
Chuck Chriss <Chuck_Chriss@qx.com>,
Saeid Shafizadeh <pars@ntr.net>,
Mike W <StPkRanger@aol.com> ,
Steve <oes@wavenet.com>
Many thanks for your responces, you were all VERY quick to respond,
special thanks to Chuck for his efforts in contacting MTM Enterprises
(using a front name and a P.O. Box doesn't any longer mean annonimity
when our world wide little group is on the job)!
Once I find out from Chuck if his phone call has been returned I will
post a message and update everyone.
At present the jury is still out on this particular supplier as I am not
the only one waiting on manuals!
Thanks again