Military Vehicles, January 1997,: Hope you will all bear with me.

Hope you will all bear with me.

Alan S. Lerner (
Sat, 25 Jan 1997 10:25:21 -0500

I am a "Sherman" fanatic. The M-4, in all its variants, fascinates me. One
day, I would like to own one, but for now I build scale models. I am,
however, a font of useless and/or useful Sherman trivia and data.
Shouldquestions arise, please do not hesitate to e-mail me with queries. In
the interim, should I have anything to add to the strings I have some
knowledge of, I will contribute. I have a vast reference library full of
(mostlY) tracked vehilcle specs. Regarding rudeness on the net, it
unfortunately goes with the access. I personally don't believe in flaming
someone, but I do think their parents failed to subscribe to the spare the
rod spoil the child newsgroup when it would have done the most good.
Regards, Ala.