We were called out a week ago on a short job and I didn't get to take the
"Mobile Command Unit", so I've been away from my Computer. (:<)... I left
a few conversations dangling and will try to get them answered soon.. (as
soon as I dig through a 1000 Email messages in my "In File") But in the
meantime... I came across this list and couldn't resist the urge to send it
on to you all...
Rainbow Company
How to tell Military Personal They are STUPID without calling them Stupid..
"Tell him/her they're..........."
A couple of revisions behind.
A few bombs short of a full load.
A few planes short of an Air Force.
A few tiles short of a successful re-entry.
A quart low.
All booster -- no payload.
Antenna doesn't pick up all the channels.
Been napping in front of the ion shield again.
Been short on oxygen one time too many.
Blew his O-rings.
Couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
Doesn't have all his dogs on one leash.
Driving with two wheels in the sand.
Dropped his second stage too soon.
Finds a flat by swapping tires.
Has his gas pedal floored, gear in neutral.
His Jeep's only got three wheels, and one's going flat.
Left his booster on the launch pad.
Loose wire to his headset.
Lugnuts rattling in the hubcaps.
Missing a few gears.
Not digging in the same trench with the rest of us.
Not firing on all cylinders.
Oil doesn't reach his dipstick.
One side short of a Pentagon.
Pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere.
Wasn't strapped in during launch.