Military Vehicles, January 1997,: Re: Dodge Stuff

Re: Dodge Stuff

Gordon.W.I. McMillan (
Fri, 31 Jan 1997 09:07:24 -0000

Hello Matt, Kathy and the rest.

Thank you for your information about Carryall parts which I will check
out in due course when I get home from working in Holland. My WC53 is
8154-3909 and I cant date it or get a census number for the bonnet
(sorry - hood) You dont happen to know your chassis number and the
original contract / hood / body number/ date of delivery do you?

Mine is ex-Norway, the Norwegians loved them and used them hard till
the late '80s. Unlike most European governments they used original
parts for maintenance. It is fairly original except for the usual
Norwegian dash plates, lots of extra bracket holes, and a steel roof
(pop-rivetted and for the second time for the look of it) Rear floor I
will get made locally and a dealer is reproducing rear seat frames.

Are you short of any small parts that I may be able to find here as the
Norwegian stores have some original parts? Anything small enough to fit
in the post you cant find?

regards from Gorinchem, Holland

Gordon McMillan (LARC-5, DUKW,GPA,WC56,WC53,GT350 and permanently poor!)