Our engineering committee got together and decided that although we really do
like the power (and availability of spare parts) of the GM 350, we still want
the waterproof- ability of the original military engine. If we can
thoroughly waterproof the 350, we will. Otherwise, we will figure something
else out.
Also, we did look at doing the diesel conversions, but, since we are
presently privately funded (and the finance committee will not approve the
costs of a single spare diesel engine, let alone the five or six we will
ultimately be needing), we are not able to presently make use of diesels.
Currently, our stock consists of one 1971 Boston Whaler Quick-Reaction Boat,
one 1967 Kaiser M-715 (USN markings), one (currently) non-working replica
8-pounder naval cannon, various swords and other pieces of naval cutlery,
complete uniforms (both replica and real) from the American Revolution
forward to Viet Nam, six highly-skilled (but underpaid) members, and an
unknown amount of volunteers who help make every project worthwhile.
We are hoping to acquire more as time sails on.
Again, thank you to everybody who was able to give some advice.
Robert Ratliff
Deputy, Director, Military Maritime Preservation Association