Military Vehicles, February 1997,: Re: Jeep restoration book?

Re: Jeep restoration book?

Jess Minton (
Tue, 4 Feb 1997 04:25:43 +0000

>Date: Mon, 03 Feb 1997 22:23:01
>To: "S. David Lee" <bd906@FreeNet.Buffalo.EDU>
>From: Jess Minton <>
>Subject: Re: Jeep restoration book?
>At 07:49 AM 2/3/97 +0000, you wrote:
>> Does anyone know of a book specifically about restoring an M-38
>>or CJ-2A? I'm pretty new to this, and don't have much of a clue.
>> David
> David,
> I bought a book that covers everything from engine rebuilding to
rewireing... it is a Service Manual Called "Service Manual for Jeep
universal" 4-wheel drive and it talks about CJ-2a thru CJ-6, 4 cyl. engines.
It is produced by Original Reproductions at P.O. Box 5161 Newport Beach,
CA. 92662. I got mine at a local Jeep shop for $25.00. It has been a big
help. If you have access to the world wide web you really need to visit:
>< projects.htm>
>The last one has all kinds of detailed info on military vehicles and a list
compiled by Arturo Garcia of all most every place in the US that has
restoration or Jeep repair products.
> Good luck and Good hunting!!
>Jess Minton
>Arlington, TX