I know the fellow/company that is making them for the cav store. I just
ordered an M2HB replica from him for $175 plus $26 shipping.
Also, before anyone leaps, the replica is made from 18 guage sheet
metal for the receiver and the rear portion. The barrel is PVC. I am using
it for a "stand-off scale" piece for an M3A1 Scout Car. For obvious
reasons, you can't leave the real functioning fifty in place all the time.
With the MAC systems replica, you can. In my case, I can leave it
mounted on the Scout Car when it is parked in the hangar on display/in
storage. Also works well for parades, etc.
The builder's is:
MAC Industries
c/o Brent McClearen
1375 Whiteaker Springs Road
Cookeville, TN 38506
(615) 537-3730 (6 pm to 9pm CST Mon-Fri and weekends)
An info pack with pictures is $1.00 and his products are 100%
satisfaction guaranteed. If you buy it and don't like it, return it for a
refund. Just understand, it is not something you will be at touching range
before you realize it isn't the real McCoy.
If you are serious, contact him quickly. He is fairly well caught up at the
moment, but expects to get busy soon with US Cav orders. I just spoke
to him on Tuesday so this is very current.
As soon as I get it in (within a couple of weeks) I will give a quick opinion
of its virtues.
If you have any more questions, e-mail me privately so we don't tie up
the list with chatter.
Jim Rice
>>> Jason Caniglia <caniglia@saintmarys.edu> 02/07/97 11:55am >>>
For those of you restoring older military Jeeps, U.S.Cavalry has an
ad for .50 and .30 Machine Gun Replicas. They also sell the M31 Type
Vehicle Pedestal Mount for those looking for that "Rat Patrol" look. The
.50 Cal. Replica gun is $399.95 and the .30 Cal is $299.95. The M31 stand
is priced at $299.95.
They are also selling a Jeep Shovel and Pick set for $19.88. These are
recent issue British tools with Britain's MOD symbol on them. The ad
they are used and have some scratches.
Their address, phone number and web address is:
U.S. Cavalry
2855 Centennial Ave.
Radcliff, KY 40160-9000
I am in no way affiliated with them, I just thought some folks would like
to put this in their resource file.
97 TJ Sport