Individuals with large collections of Armour and Vehicles that are having
trouble finding buyers for said collections, may donate them to our facility
and recoupe their investment by claiming a TAX Deduction. We are Chartered
as a 501(c)3 corporation and have full Tax Exempt Status. As more and more
of the collecting public are learning about us, we find many of you are
taking advantage of our program.
We offer donators a chanch to become immortal by using their artifacts to
build displays that are open to the public. All displays of material are
named after the donee with a sutible plaque to inclue Name, Dates of
service, rank, and area of deployment. What is different about us is we are
not located on a military base but in a Large tourist area so many will see
the collections that you have spent a lifetime building and caring for. We
have much space and our competent staff will give your collecton the care
that is needed to stand the test of time and permit future generations to
observe and learn of our Military History.
Our Staff is composed of Retired Military personnel, National Guard Members,
Army Reserve members, and veterans that have participated in our many
conflicts and wish there sacrifice to be remembered. We look forward to
dealing and working with the collecting public in the common task of
preseving History.
Thank you.
Timothy Conover, Pres, NYVM.