Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Re: MVPA
Sat, 1 Mar 1997 10:42:45 -0500 (EST)
All of you who are upset by the MVPA's "decision" are justifiably so. I think
the comments from the gentleman from Denmark are ludicrous. If the MVPA is
ANYTHING like the UN, then military vehicle enthusiasts are truly doomed.
It is high time those of us who wish to protect our rights as Americans
lobby hard within our respective organizations such as the National Rifle
Association, the MVPA, the American Motorcycle Association, automotive
enthusiast groups, Farmers and Ranchers organizations, etc, with one purpose:
to unite these groups into an American Freedom Coalition, that can as one
body and voice fight federal and state attempts to curb our freedoms. Dont
think that Uncle Sugar is just looking at you all. An April 1995 Gallup poll
taken on behalf of CNN and USA Today showed that 39% of Americans felt
"...the Federal Government has become so large and powerful it poses an
immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens." One in
four of us. I bet the number is higher now.
I, like many of us, have many interests, so I see the varied type of
assaults on our freedoms. In the Firearm arena, more legislative assaults are
occurring. Senator Barbara Boxer, (D-CA), has revised her proposed "American
Handgun Standards Act", which will make more than 100 types of handguns
illegal(her admission). It also has been expanded to include rifles and
shotguns. Who will tell us, the free peple of America, what type of guns are
"good" and "bad" ? The BATF! know, the same clowns who killed, let's
see, how many kids at Waco? (How come the local sheriff knew how to
peacefully arrest Koresh, but a whole federal agency had to conduct a
military assault? Oh well...another time.)
In the Motorcycle world, Mrs Clinton's Healthcare bill, which the
democrats are now pushing in incremental pieces, would have discriminated
against motorcyclist, skydivers, and other people who engaged in "high risk
behavior". Gee, wonder how someone can engage in high risk homosexual sex,
get AIDS, then apply for and get Social Security Disability income, paid
monthly, by our tax dollars, with all hospital bills covered. I guess those
of us who ride aint PC enough.
And you Old car are you getting the screws. Did you know
that major polluters in this country can avoid EPA fines by buying and
crushing "old" cars? Yep, they get "credits" from the EPA, that supposedly
offset their polluting. In effect, poor folks who cant afford new cars have
less parts vehicles to keep their cars running. Enthusiasts have dwindling
supplies of rare parts to keep their vehicles going. Junkards everywhere are
simply crushing, rather than having to pay for the cost of additional
employees who have to drain fluids, etc. Also, they dont want to face the
possibility of stiff fines due to "excessive" groundwater runoff. I guess the
family owned junkyards of America dont have enough money to contribute to the
democratic party in order to get Pollution Credits.
Oh well, seems in any area of private life, there is a liberal agency
just waiting to mandate us to death. We better get organized and utilize our
Democratic process. Freedoms, throughout history, are always removed
incrementally, not overnight. I would encourage the MVPA to srtongly question
the arguments this administration asserts when it claims it NEEDS more
authority, or it NEEDS to take away more freedom. One of our Founding Fathers
, William Pitts said, "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human
freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." Right on,
George, NRA Life Member, AMA member, etc. Was planning
on joining MVPA also...but not until the leadership gets a spine. Hey, to
the list manager: sorry this message is so long. just had to share a few
thoughts. Thanks.