Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Re: M38A1 fire extinguisher
Re: M38A1 fire extinguisher
Mon, 3 Mar 1997 04:09:17 -0500 (EST)
Beware, there are some errors in that book, although overall it is fine. The
pictures of the M38A1, for instance, show it having a blackout driving light
on both fenders, which is completely incorrect. I checked in TM9-8014, dated
April, 1955 and there is no mention of a fire extinguisher. In "PS" magazine,
#68, dated 1958, there is a list of equipment for the M38A1, such as tools,
chains, manuals, etc.. and no fire extinguisher is listed. In the Canadian
M38A1 operators manual, CDN-OM9-804-A, dated July, 1953, page 20, shows a
fire extinguisher and says that it was located on the floor between the front
seats. Hope this helps.
Erik Timothy