Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Re: invite the feds...

Re: invite the feds...

Lida L. Bensinger (
Tue, 04 Mar 1997 09:51:42 EST

No way, "the feds" can't be talked to or reasoned with. I know dealers
who've dealt with the feds and every time things got worse instead of

On Mon, 3 Mar 1997 13:15:49 -0500 (EST) writes:
> (Lida L. Bensinger) recently wrote:
>"The MVPA was informed by federal government officials many months ago
>that possession of ex-U.S. military M151A2s, Gama Goats, and HMMWVs
>could present problems for our members. The government maintains that
>none of these vehicles have ever been released to the civilian market
>through legitimate channels. "
>why not invite the feds to the memphis national to give a workshop on
>how to
>'legitimately' acquire surplus MV's and also to answer questions re:
>current 151/HMMV/Goat concerns?
>just a thought.. Mike w