Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Re: schematics, diagrams, drawings, etc
Re: schematics, diagrams, drawings, etc
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 00:38:18 -0500 (EST)
I do have one other suggestion to offer. When you disassemble your jeep you
need to keep very close track of where and how everything came off. You
especially need to keep track of all the nuts, bolts, and washers. For
example, when you remove a side body handle, put all four bolts, washers, and
nuts back through their respective holes in the handle and keep them all
together. Don't throw them all in a coffee can or some damn thing like that.
When you remove a fender put all the bolts back into the staked nuts on the
body or frame or they will disappear! When it comes time to sandblast or do
repairs and you must remove all the bolts you should have already prepared a
large sheet of card board with a rough sketch of a jeep frame or body and
stick all the bolts through it. At this time you can make notes about damaged
threads, missing or broken washers, pitted bolts, etc.,etc.,etc. small parts
like reflectors and rear seat springs can be bolted right to the cardboard
and kept in place as well. You can skip the middle step and move the bolts
straight from the jeep to the cardboard if you wish, but greasy hands make
this a cumbersome and messy task sometimes.
This may seem painfully obvious to some of you but I'll bet at least one
person who reads this had never thought of it. So there.