Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Re: Widening the Spectrum
Re: Widening the Spectrum
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 01:47:34 -0500 (EST)
All I can say is that the market drives the responses. The reason you hear so
much about jeeps is there are more of them out there, plain and simple. There
are frequent questions and answers about larger vehicles but the are
generally handled by the few people who have intimate knowledge of that
particular vehicle. You will also find that lots of jeep guys have other and
or larger vehicles but time money and space limitations often push these
vehicles to the backshelf while the "more simple" jeep restoration is
completed. For example, I have a 1941 Chevy 1 1/2 Ton Cargo Truck and a 1942
Ford GAS-73C Army Sedan that I hope to get some serious work done on soon.
The only problem is, in the case of the Chevy, I've been hoping that for
almost 5 years now. I don't ask a lot of technical questions about the
project because I only work on it a couple weeks a year but some day soon
I'll be flooding this list with all sorts of stupid, impossibly detailed and
technical, unanswerable questions about my truck. I don't think there is any
attempt to exclude any type of vehicle from discussion on this list, its just
that GPW Gray is a predominent color in this spectrum. Save 'em all, big
and small !!!!!!!!!! GI jeeps