Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Re: M151A2s, Gama Goats, and HMMWVs Bans

Re: M151A2s, Gama Goats, and HMMWVs Bans

Chuck Chriss (
5 Mar 97 10:20:13


True, you can't tell them FO etc. But you can insist that they deal with you
lawfully. And the best way to do that is via group action which could be the
MVPA. But the groups that do best, make lots of noise and get the public on
their side. The more "closed door" you are about it, the more power the
government has. They are the masters at the buerocratic game, paper shuffle,
and intimidation by threats of legal action. The more open, the more power we
have to make them look stupid or worse and to put an end to their games.

The can use a rubber hose on you in a locked room, but not on the floor of the
MVPA convention with videotape rolling. So all I want is for MVPA to sponsor
our case in a way that gets us the results we need and not just to try to
placate the "government", whoever that is.



Hey Chuck,

We also paid for a bunch of nukes too! I think MVPA has perhaps
overreacted somewhat, but we MUST work as an organization to fix the
problem. Gee, who elected the directors anyway?

I don't think MVPA is caving in. I think that they are trying to get a
plan in place to attack the problem. By simply not "recognizing" the
named vehicles, they are trying to be more objective and therefore have
a better bargaining position with the feds. I don't like the feds
attitude about the whole issue either, but they can really screw you
over if you simply think you can tell them FU and get away with it.
Regardless how spineless, deceictful and loathsome they are, they still
are a strong force to be reckoned with. I have dealt with the FAA on
too many occasions to know that you can't tell them where to get off and
them simply hang their heads and go home. The will come after you with
a vengence. I've seen it happen, regardless of the specific agency.

Its frustrating I know.

Jim Rice