Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Banned Vehicles
Banned Vehicles
New York Veterans Museum Inc. (
Wed, 5 Mar 1997 16:04:27 -0500
The only way to accomplish the goal on having the ban lifted, is
to use the system as it was designed to be used. Eg. Public support, writing
to you elected officials and so forth. Somewhere within the membership of
the MVPA there must be an attorney who enjoys collecting military vehicles,
who would be willing to take the case. Someone who realizes that driving a
M151A2 is just as dangerous as driving a motorcycle. That with driver
education these vehicles can be oporated safly. If everyone in the country
who enjoys this hobby would send a few dollars to cover his fees, the monies
could be collected to fund the drive, possibly a world wide fund raising
effort would be generated as collectors in other countrys became sympathetic
to our cause. Positive action and using the system could very well be the
answer. We at the museum are bothered by the waste factor, and the
destruction of the Vehicles that were used to keep our country Free.
Yours truly,
Timothy Conover, Pres, NYVM