Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Re: wanted US WW2 -Modern Flame thrower parts and complete units

Re: wanted US WW2 -Modern Flame thrower parts and complete units
Thu, 06 Mar 1997 23:40:36 -0700 (MST)

I have NOS flame thrower hoses available for the WW2 flamethrowers, Call
Rod Shaver @ (602) 893-2201.

On Tue, 4 Feb 1997, Rick Green wrote:

> I am looking for any flame thrower parts and complete units. I collect
> and shoot this items. If you know where any are for sale please let me
> know. they are not regulated like most firearms. So you could send one
> UPS. Thanks jason
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Some examples of what is a DD and what is not:
> Muzzle loading cannon - NOT, as it is an antique design, unless it
> has some special features allowing breech loading.
> A grenade - is a DD
> A molotov cocktail - is a DD
> An M-79 or M-203 40mm grenade launcher - is a DD
> A smooth bore 37mm projectile launcher - not a DD. Not even a
> title 1 firearm. This falls under the signalling device
> exception, I believe. It is helped by the fact that no explosive
> ammo has ever been commercially made for it.
> A 40mm grenade for an M-79 or M-203 - a DD.
> Non-explosive 40mm practice ammo - not a DD. Commercial making of
> it would require a type 10 FFL though, as although the ammo is not
> itself classified as a DD, making ammo for a DD requires the FFL.
> A non-sporting 12 gauge shotgun - is a DD, because it has a bore
> over 1/2", and is not exempted unless it meets the "sporting use"
> test. Check out the Gilbert Equipment Co., v. Higgins case for how
> the sporting use test has been re-interpreted from what it meant
> when the law was enacted to having ATF be arbiters of what is
> "sport".
> A Flame Thrower - not a DD, nor even a firearm. Unregulated as
> to possession, under federal law. Great way to clear snow off the
> driveway.