Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Re: XM147 Super DUKW

Re: XM147 Super DUKW

Lida L. Bensinger (
Mon, 10 Mar 1997 17:05:46 EST

You only need to take a day or two to run up here to Lancaster County, PA
to see one DUKW completed and done in Reading area and some others down
by Downingtown under progress. THe manuals are available and so are books
like the "GMC Universal Truck". I've even got video of ones running in
the ocean on Normandy Beaches during the 50th anniversary of D-Day.

D & L Bensinger
2442 Main St.
Narvon, PA 17555
Phone/FAX (610) 286-9545

On Sun, 9 Mar 97 20:16:28 EST William Buonaugurio AMCICP-IM 3775
<> writes:
> Thanks to all for your help, I found the data plate over the
>weekend, just
>a simple "XM147 EXP ###" plate screwed on the panel above the winch
>lever. All
>the other plates seem to be just instructions from DUKWS since the
>numbers they reference are for DUKWS. The bad news is that at about
>35 feet
>tip to tip its too long for anything I have, so I bought a mainteance
>yesterday and will build the garage around it. Its rained here in
>Maryland for
>the past two weeks so I haven't done much except clean out the trash.
>wheels appear to be the "combat rims" with 11 x 18 tires while rear
>are ordinary duece wheels w/ 9 x 20 tires. I'll put 9 x 20s on the
>front for now, what do most other DUKW owners have? I also found that
>there were fender skirts for front and rear wheel wells in the bed
>and they must have been stored inside since they are in real good
>shape with most of the original paint Not much luck with
>historical photos/info. I found the booklet on DUKWs in the post
>library and Transportation museum is sending me up an excerpt form a
>report, but thats about it.