D & L Bensinger mitymite@juno.com
2442 Main St.
Narvon, PA 17555
Phone/FAX (610) 286-9545
On Sun, 9 Mar 97 20:16:28 EST William Buonaugurio AMCICP-IM 3775
<wbuonau@apg-9.apg.army.mil> writes:
> Thanks to all for your help, I found the data plate over the
>weekend, just
>a simple "XM147 EXP ###" plate screwed on the panel above the winch
>lever. All
>the other plates seem to be just instructions from DUKWS since the
>numbers they reference are for DUKWS. The bad news is that at about
>35 feet
>tip to tip its too long for anything I have, so I bought a mainteance
>yesterday and will build the garage around it. Its rained here in
>Maryland for
>the past two weeks so I haven't done much except clean out the trash.
>wheels appear to be the "combat rims" with 11 x 18 tires while rear
>are ordinary duece wheels w/ 9 x 20 tires. I'll put 9 x 20s on the
>front for now, what do most other DUKW owners have? I also found that
>there were fender skirts for front and rear wheel wells in the bed
>and they must have been stored inside since they are in real good
>shape with most of the original paint Not much luck with
>historical photos/info. I found the booklet on DUKWs in the post
>library and Transportation museum is sending me up an excerpt form a
>report, but thats about it.