Military Vehicles, March 1997,: Re: 151's Not Welcomed/Memphis

Re: 151's Not Welcomed/Memphis

Chuck Chriss (
Fri, 14 Mar 1997 14:11:59 -0700

Chuck Chriss@QXCOM
03/14/97 04:11 PM

Dear Jerry:

Thank you for your service to the MVPA and its predecessors, your service
to our country, and your contributions to the mil-veh hobby. I have no
reason or need to attack you personally or to diminish in any way your
personal accomplishments. Please do not take this as a personal issue at

We disagree on the apparent policy of the MVPA being discussed and the
manner in which some of the information is being handled. At the same
time I have no reason not to trust you or to question your personal
motives, history, or actions. I still view MVPA as the best representative
of the mil-veh interest group and I hope we can reach agreement on how to
go forward.

I will continue to push for my two main points:

1. MVPA to take a strong leadership position opposing government
intimidation of legitimate owners, and
2. Full open discussion through public channels including involvement of
elected officials.

We can disagree on the goals and methods without disrespect for each other
as individuals.



Well, Chuck, I'd just say you have to trust me on this.
I realize you don't know me or know anything about me so let me give you
some background: I started out in the MV hobby in 1971 in the old NMVCA
-- I was a contributor to the old TM, if you remember that publication
-- and I was the fifth member of the MVPA.
I have served as SUPPLY LINE editor since 1982 and was an elected MVPA
official before that. In the '70s I was a local chapter newsletter
editor and contributor to ARMY MOTORS.
I have attended 21 annual conventions and displayed award-winning
vehicles at many of those shows.
Prior to my MV involvement I served 2 1/2 years with the U.S. Army in
Vietnam with a variety of combat units. Later, I worked for the federal
government as a civilian and carried a high security clearance.
I'm a manager now in corporate life with a variety of responsibilities.
I also sit on my company's ethics committee.
If you think I don't have the character or background to be SUPPLY LINE
editor or to be a trustworthy and credible spokesman for the MVPA
perhaps you should step forward to take my place. If this is important
to you I'm sure you can make time for it just as I do along with the
other voluntary Board of Directors members.
By the way, I come from a family with character and experience: Both of
my parents served in the Armed Forces in WWII and did their part to free
your relatives from the horror they experienced.
This probably doesn't mean anything to you at all. You, and others, seem
to be closed to the MVPA side of the issue. It is unfortunate that you
can't maintain an open mind on this subject.

Jerry Cleveland #105CL, SUPPLY LINE Editor
Military Vehicle Preservation Association