PS: Jim, answered in spades! I knew you could do it!
I think this is a very low estimate. Last time I checked the storage area
at Ft. Sill,
there were probably over 100 there alone. Also, a friend and I get the
national bid
list and there have been M151A2s on the lists on a continuing basis. I
could easily be
wrong, but I would guestimate, there are closer to 2000 nationwide. I'm
told that at 29
Palms, there are still a few hundred on racks, but I haven't seen them to
tesitify to
the validity of the claim. I can go and check on the Ft. Sill M151A2 (and
Ambulance) population tomorrow if I get the chance.
Jim Rice
P.S. Chuck, did the HMMWV NSN list answer the mail? :)
Chuck Chriss wrote:
>...few remaining M151A2s in DOD hands. I made clear that saving even a
small number >
> of these (rumored to be about 200 still around)