I have acquired a couple of NOS 3 ton hydraulic jacks which are definitely
from WW2 US military vehicles. The problem is which vehicles do they suit???
They are not for GMC CCKW's as I have the correct GMC jacks which are the
Hein-Werner No. E-3.10A by the Hein-Werner Motor Parts Corp of Waukesha,
Wisconsin. Capacity 3 tons low 10" high 19-3/8" marked on the base "Made
in USA 319A" or the Walker No. 927 Series A by Walker Mfg Co of Racine,
Wisconsin. Capacity 3 tons low 10' high 21". Both GMC jacks have GM embossed
into the side.
If you are interested, check out the picture and details at :
and let me know what you think either through the list or by direct email.
David Robinson. Brisbane. Australia.