Military-Vehicles: [MV] RE DUKS & CCKW seals

[MV] RE DUKS & CCKW seals

Dr Deuce 264-0909 (
Tue, 15 Jul 97 11:06:12 EDT

Federal Mongul (sp) has a seal for the inner front axle seal (inside the ball)
If you use this seal, you can install 2 of them in opposite directions and have
them contact new (unworn) places in the front axles. They are 1/2 ther
thickness of the old ones. The M135/M211 knuckle seal kits are the same. I have
checked every pn myself.

The DUKW seals for the inner wheel bearings are available NOS. Please do not
use the CCKW seals. Both seem to be in short supply and I have found no
replacements! The DUKW seal fits so tight on a CCKW that a CCKW seal on a DUKW
must be loose. The spindle has a different pn

The steering knuckle seal (ball) has a DUKW test of pressurizing the ball to 15
psi (as I recall) and it can't leak around the ball.

My experience with replacing the ball seal is that I can only do one side a
year. I just did my Chev Bomb truck and the steering wheel stays wherever you
leave it; i.e. it is VERY tight and tough to steer until it wears in a little.
It wipes so hard it will clean off all the grease and the ball will start
rusting in a couple of days on a CCKW. This is exactly what happened with my
CCKW a few years ago.

Hope this helps


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