Military-Vehicles: [MV] CCKW stuff

[MV] CCKW stuff
Tue, 29 Jul 97 10:23:17 PDT


I am considering purchasing a complete set (all three) of CCKW gov't rebuilt
axle assemblies (drum to drum). Those parts which are common to the DUKW I
will most likely keep, especially the 3rd members and the axle shafts. Those
parts which are specific to the CCKW I have no use for. From what I can tell
so far, I may have the following CCKW stuff for sale:

Front axle: wheel hubs with inner bearing seals, brake drums, brake shoes,
backing plates, spindles, pinion yoke, pinion seal retainer and seal.

Rear axles: wheel hubs with inner bearing seals, brake drums, brake shoes,
backing plates, pinion yoke, pinion seal retainer and seal.

Anybody out need any of this stuff and what's it worth? If I go this route
and purchase all three axle assemblies, I would like to sell the CCKW stuff to
help offset my cost. Knowing someone is interested in this CCKW stuff will
help me decide whether or not to purchase all three axles.

Mike Bennett 1944 DUKW
(209) 434-9343
Fresno, California, USA

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