Military-Vehicles: [MV] CARC - No, you don't want this!!!

[MV] CARC - No, you don't want this!!!

Carter Ledbetter (
Wed, 06 Aug 1997 17:11:25 GMT

Someone wrote seeking CARC to authenticly repaint some object... DON'T
DO IT!!!

CARC is NASTY stuff, one of the few items that really do belong on a
HAZMAT list. It's also a real pain in the butt to spot paint areas
with as well... You have to sand problem areas to metal, feather in
new primer, then shoot w/ CARC to spot paint. Even then, you'll have
problems with cracking, peeling, and just not sticking to old paint
(it won't stick to previously shot CARC-!) This, as well as $$$ is
why lots of stuff is still painted in desert storm livery well after
the fact...

CARC is some sort of epoxy (as I recall - ??), requiring special
mixing of the paint and a catalyst to get the stuff to harden. Any
materials you use (the emptied cans, brushes, etc) are to be disposed
of as HAZMAT.

=46inally, even with careful preparation, the stuff seems to have
problem sticking to equipment... I know, it's probably due to some
improper storage/article prep/mixing/application/whatever, but if the
stuff is this much of a pain to use, and may not stick properly even
with careful preparation.... why drive yourself crazy?

The purpose for CARC is to simplify decontamination of equipment after
chemical or biological attack... It's supposed to be less porious than
matt finish enamels, and therefore allow faster decon (mostly just
washing with warm soapy water-!) =20

Apologies for any over-simplification or mis-statement of fact... I
don't remember all the specifics from my OBC class...


Carter Ledbetter
Cincinnati, OH USA

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