Military-Vehicles: FW: [MV] testing..testing..

FW: [MV] testing..testing..

R. Notton (
Thu, 14 Aug 1997 03:45:48 -0400

Message text written by "Hayes-Holgate, Shaun"
>the reason i'm asking is because i bought a replacement condensor and
installed it but the engine would'nt start.<

It is possible that you have a new faulty unit but unlikely. As others
have mentioned the only practical domestic test is for a short and at low=
test meter voltage too.

Just check, re-check and double check; have you inadvertently disturbed
something else and are all the fibre insulating bushes and washers in the=

right place in the distributor.

There's real possibilities of getting every combination of
disconnected/ground shorts on the points, condenser and coil connection
just by the incorrect placement of one fibre washer or bush.

I suspect all of us that have been in a distributor have managed this
mistake at least once!

>>if i have to order a special NOS condensor(?)<<

There is nothing special about any condenser (capacitor), it is two
conducting plates separated by an insulator. The capacity (value) is
determined by the plate area, their spacing and the dielectric constant o=
the separating insulator.

If you can open up the old unit without destroying it you will find two
strips of thin metal foil with an impregnated paper between them all woun=
up in a spiral. The case will be connected to one strip and the flying
lead to the other.

The first experimenters with electricity called them "jars" and used this=

as a unit of measure before Faraday defined the current, accurate unit -
Farad. (albeit at least a million times too big!)
Named jars simply as they were glass jars lined inside and out with metal=


(Southampton UK)

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