Military-Vehicles: [MV] Body removal of WC-54

[MV] Body removal of WC-54
Mon, 18 Aug 1997 08:51:07 -0400 (EDT)

I am trying to get my "thinking time" in before I attack my next project,
this fall. I am working on a 1942 WC-54 (Ambulance). I've got it running
but no brakes (yet). I think I want to remove the body so I can bring the
frame and all the chassis up to par, but the TM-9-1808 does not address this

Has anyone on the net removed the back body from a WC-54? How did you do it?
Is there a manual somewhere that describes this in detail? Any suggestions
would be appreciated.

Secondry question to the above. I would prefer to NOT remove the steering
wheel, if it is avoidable. Can the steering column be disconnected and swung
out of the way for the body removal?

Thanks in advance. Tom Campbell - Birmingham, Alabama USA

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