<< I am finally finishing my restoration of a 1945 MB.
It has been no easy task. I won't bore you with the details, but to show
to what extent I tried to achieve originality, I managed to collect enough
paint chips ( by scaping original OD paint from WW2 jeeps) that I was able
fill a 5 gallon bucket with them, add reducer, and stir untill I got it to a
sprayable viscosity, which I then applied to the 100% authentic original
body. Can I consider this 'original paint? I realize that I had to use
modern reducer, but as it flashes off as the paint dries, I would say that
is indeed an original finish.
It really did kill me to have to dispose of the body that I originally
intended to use, as some callous prior owner had drilled a hole in the dash
for a switch of some type, and rather than compromise the originality of the
tub by welding it ( I was unable to locate a suitable 1945 vintage welding
rod), I sold it to someone much less enlightened to use in an inferior
All this leads me to a pair of questions that I have, after an exhaustive
grueling search- including a trip to the dimly lit basement of the National
Archives-been unable to find a satisfactory answer for. Hopefully someone
the list has researched this more succesfully than I, and can enlighten me,
as well as the rest of the list members. Bet I can guess who.
My questions are as follows:
1. My first question concerns the 5 gallon 'Jerrican' mounted to the rear
panel. When my (very late production) MB left the factory in Toledo, was
can oriented so that the handles on the top of the can were closest the
tire, or were they to the outside(driver's side)?
Photographs exist showing the cans mounted both ways. Was there a date at
which can orientation was changed officialy, or was this just a running
2. Next question- still at the rear of the vehicle- when the spare tire and
wheel was originally bolted up, was the valve stem in the '12 O'clock'
position (or as near as the tire/wheel mounting would allow), or was it in
the 3, 6, or 9 O'clock positions? Careful study of period photographs show
tire/wheel combinations in all of these positions, and possibly others as
well. Again, was there a date when this was officially laid down?
I'd appreciate your input, Todd.
Seriously though, why must you knock the folks out there who have saved an
'inferior' jeep from certain destruction and haven't the time, money, or
inclination to give it a 100 point restoration? What good is a 100 point
jeep anyway, except as a museum piece?
My jeep is not the least bit afraid of going into four wheel drive, and it
has prooved in to me several times. That's not to say that I abuse the jeep
or that it's an eyesore to be embarassed of- far from it. But I take my
out where I can enjoy it (and be seen enjoying it, so as hopefully to incite
a little interest in the hobby).
I'll agree that there is a place for 100% authentic restorations. The WW2
1/4 ton is a historic vehicle and a permanant record should be kept to judge
future restorations against. I'm glad that someone has the resources to do
it. It's important.
But most of us out here (the great unwashed), are limited by funding and/or
time constraints to having functional 'restorations' (I realize the misuse
that term, but couldn't come up with a better one).
We can acknowledge that your 'fanatisism' has it's place, so why knock them?
If these guys can solve their problems with salve and screen, so what? At
least they saved a couple of jeeps. To use a phrase from that Rush was fond
of "Can't we all just get along?" After all, they are still MV hobbyists.
DISCLAIMER: There is absolutely no marine grade sealer/wire mesh whatsoever
in my jeep.
My two cents, for what it's worth. I hpoe that it's taken in fun, as I have
no desire to offend. My apologies for misspelling and grammatical errors.
I'm in a hurry.
Greg Burke
Moundsville, West Virginia
'43 GPW
'45 MB
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