is it necessary for me to prime it before I repaint it?
> Rob Kiser
> Bright Orange '52 M37
I have noticed the same thing on different items that I have restored
(no primer). This may be due to cheating on a Gov contract, cost
reduction, or weight reduction (not very likely), but this is probably
why a lot of these veh became so rusty!
One thing to remember is that olive drab is a flat paint! The flattener
added to the paint is of course to eliminate the gloss of the paint
allowing the veh to be not as easily seen. However with the loss of the
gloss (which acts as a seal) you lose what a top coat of paint is
soposed to do, PROTECT the underlying material. The flattener causes a
non smooth surface wich actually alows the top coat to absorb moisture!
If you havent noticed, you might have ran across more than one coat of
paint. According to what I have read in the past Im pretty sure that the
Military had a life expectancy of only two years on the olive drab
paints & this would explain why so many Mil veh's have so much paint on
The best action that you can take is to apply a self etching primer (Du
Pont Variprime), then a primer/sealer (Du Pont Velvaseal), then your
Olive Drab (No I'm not promoting Du Pont but that is what I have used &
it it works very well).
Good luck, & may your garage reak of that great smell of freshly shot
Olv Drb enamel.
Long live the smells of a freshly painted MV, & new canvas!!
Paul Vandervort
MVPA 437
41 GP 54 M170
42 WLA 54 M211 (2)
63 M38A1
42 MB 67 M151
42 GPW 67 M715
4? MBT 67 M416
51 M38 (2)
54 M38A1
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