Military-Vehicles: [MV] Chev Pickup at DRMO (CC??)
[MV] Chev Pickup at DRMO (CC??)
David P. Dusenbury (
Fri, 05 Sep 1997 10:13:10 -0400
Just did a donation screening at the Ft. Bragg DRMO (Fayettville, NC).
They have an extremely nice chev 4x4 pickup coming up at the next
auction (Sept 16, I think, but not sure). Looked it over, _everything_
seems to be intact, except the dash and ign switch are torn out, speedo
is missing. The air cleaner is off the 6.2, but everything else seems
to be in place (it is laying in the bed). May have had a elec. meltdown
at some point, though, since many wires (still connected up) have been
tagged. Sheet metal is straight. Only apparent damage is the grill
guard is a little crooked, having been bumped on the left top.
Underneath, all driveshafts, etc are in place. Two batts are in it, so
if someone wanted crank it over, maybe it would.
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