same basic law here, can't park it on the street if it's not licenced,
they'll ticket you if the vehicle doesn't move for 36 hours or something...
I was getting warning tags on my cars.. you know, that hot pink marker they
written on the windows.
I took pictures, and then went down to city hall, and went straight to the
local attourney's office (this is the city's lawyer, and the guy who wrote
the law).
"sir, this is MY property, and MY vehicles"
"this is a city printout of what my property is"
"you will notice that these vehicles are on private property"
"according to oly pd, the person who tagged these is officer X"
"I am tired of cleaning off my cars, I am tired of officers trespassing to
tag my cars, I would like you to send officer X over to my house to a)
apologize for trespassing on my property, and b) to clean the windows on my
"I think today would be apropriate"
of course, i was completley pissed off. after talking to this lawyer, he
was pissed too.
the law was written to keep people from having vehicles which detract from
property values.. I.E. "chevy nova with no wheels and tires waiting for an
engine, parked on the sidewalk" I think that, chances are, you, being proud
of your vehicles and your hobby (way of life) don't have an MV sitting on
the sidewalk being stripped...
_NOT_ the case of "has a daily driver, and a parts car with good tabs and
not missing anything visible (car is fine except no motor, tranny, and
missing floor, but you can't SEE that) and 2 race cars parked in the front
yard next to the fence"
we have had realtor problems before on this street..
everyone on this block and one block down in eithier direction has signed a
petition that basically says that we are a "looseley knit community watch
organization" ... and that any disaproval of "property looks, etc" will be
handled amongst ourselves.." legally it's a meaningless document.
Word got around really quick the last time a realtor reported our block to
the police.. (alot of people on my street work for a living, so ocasionally
you'll find a kenworth parked on the street for a few days, couple rigs
with out of state tags, etc) soon as the officers showed up and started
taggin cars, all of us who were home went down and stood in front of the
house this realtor was trying to sell.....
we weren't there more than 20 minutes when she showed up with cops, wanting
us all arrested for trespassing...
the officer laughed at her.. (public sidewalk) and asked what was up, out
comes the petition... he read it over, looked at her and handed it to
her... she says "what's this" he said "looks like a community block watch"
.. what's it mean? "well, off the record, i think it means that every time
you start shit in this neighborhood, you're going to have a really hard
time finding a buyer for the house your trying to sell."
that worked for the realtors, in a big hurry. It's a bitch to find one to
sell a house on this street now...
but most of us own, and the 15 or so rentals are permanent rentals, so it's
rareley an issue.. and the last time a house went up for sale here, we made
it look really good, and the sale went quick and easy.. (the only people
who really give a rip about alot of cars is the realtors, who think we all
want the brady bunch as neighbors)
it's not like this street is ugly.. none of the neighbors have a problem...
even the guy across the street from me that makes 140k a year, and is from
japan.. (huge koi garden, awesome) and he's asked me _TWICE_ to fix
something.. )you know, if you put the hood and wheels back on that car, it
would look normal) ...
not a problem :)
and i really enjoyed watching officer X clean my windows... he did them
all, including the winshield... (i think he got reamed by the lawyer :)...
never did apologize, but i haven't heard from them since...
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