These are unrelated thoughts. Although you don't see the humor in it,
there are countless folks who do. In the same vein that we say a sadist is
one who is kind to masochists, a racist is one who finds humor in racism.
In this instance, I doubt this humor is born of racism. It really has to
be analyzed as "period" humor. It should be viewed in the timeframe of
WW2. In that context, it is a reaction to the outrage and suffering caused
by the Japanese during that period.
There are many people who have earned the right to have their say about the
"enemy" in WW2. Being unborn for WW2 and Korea and having dodged the draft
for the Vietnam War (so I could spend those years inhaling and hanging out
with flower children doing their best imitation of Leigh-Taylor Young), I
don't see it as my place to make jokes about anyone on the other side of
any of those conflicts since I never paid due one. Personally, it makes me
uncomfortable when someone who hasn't earned the right takes that liberty
but I'm sure I do things which make them uncomfortable, too.
Anyway, this list was never intended to be PC so everyone gets their say,
pretty much without interference, whether PC, bigoted, tacky, right on or
whatever else. I like that a lot.
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