Some times ago there were K=FCbelwagen replicas in England for sale.
They were plastic bodys over modern beetle chassis. From the distance
they were looking not bad, but if you came closer, it was awful: The
rear doors were fake and you couldn't open them, the windscreen was
absolutely wrong and so on. But hey were good enough that old veterans
looked and told "yes, I drove such a vehicle in Africa..."
I don't know if these replicas are the same you saw in the advert.
The other thing is, what do you think you can get for US-$ 10.000?
Not a genuine K=FCbelwagen in good condition. And the fake K=FCbel has
the big advantage of the modern engine and other mechanic.
PS: Please note: K=FCbelwagen or short K=FCbel is written with the letter "=
this is an umlaut, a letter "u" with two little dots on the top. If your
computer uses the english codepage and doesn't show the umlaut "=FC" on the
screen, so you can write "ue" instead of it. So please write "K=FCbelwagen"
or "Kuebelwagen", but not simply "Kubelwagen".
For those who want to learn a little German: K=FCbel (Kuebel) means bucket
or pail. So Kuebelwagen means bucket (seat) car. The first Kuebelwagen
in the early thirties were just open cars without doors. To protect
the driver and the passengers from falling out of the car when driving=20
off road, the seats had special backs that gave side protection to the
person on the seat (like the seats in modern sports cars). These seats
were called "Kuebelsitze" and the complete vehicle "Kuebelsitzwagen",
later short "Kuebelwagen".
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