[MV] Frozen brakes on a 2 1/2 ton

David C. Decker (campdeck@infomagic.com)
Wed, 18 Feb 1998 19:20:14 -0800

Dave Cole wrote:
> Ken mentioned that Semi trailers often have their brakes freeze up. I've
> heard of this before also. I this also a common problem on 2 1/2 tons
> that have sat for a year or so?? I sure hope not. It would sort of stink
> if I couldn't get a 2 1/2 ton truck to even move after buying it! How
> would you guys suggest getting the brakes unstuck, tow/jerk it to get the
> drums free?? Or take off the wheels, the drums, repair and replace???

I would only tow/jerk a mil/veh rolling stock, either wheels or tracks as a last
resort. I'm sure the driver who has to move a bunch of old cargo trailers around does
not want to waste time, effort and money. In his case, I would guess, some rolled and
some needed 'parts.' Your military vehicle is unique. Since you and It (till It
name's itself) will be spending a lot of your future together. By tow/jerking, you run
the risk of breaking drums, shoes, springs, etc. which will have to be bought if broken.
If you can find them. I would suggest taking a portable spray tank, cleaning the
assorted crud off and spraying a good solvent oil into every port. If you have the tools
and knowhow, jack it up, disassemble to a point where every turns correctly. Let it
sit while you are taking the driveshafts off.
How to haul it? IMHO, commercial equipment hauler. Most contractors have OTR heavy
haulers. There are a good number of businesses that mostly haul equipment. It cost
bucks to move big, heavy items on public highways. One way or another, it is going to
cost the money. Fuel, licenses, insurance, etc. Hire a pro who has all of these and
Bingo! Your favorite, heavy, wheeled/tracked, will show up right at your doorstep!!!
Have a place to put it that you can at least cover it up with a tarp. It may not move
from that spot for a long time.
Good Luck on your project. Would you be so kind as to say just how you did get home?


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