Now I'm beginning to see a stronger need for being able to determine
which factory a particular GPW came from.
Did anyone ever come to any conclusions about the presence or absence of
stars around the frame serial number? I remember some people theorizing
that it might indicate which factory produced it.
>> I looked back into my collection of message archives and found a
>> from Jim Rice, where he said,
>> "Ford GPW s/n 112001 dod 9-43
>> Ford GPW s/n 101343 dod 5-43".
>> So, you can safely say your GPW's date of delivery is later than
>> I know that's not much help, but I was in your shoes a few months
>> so I know that this kind of information can be hard to come by.
>I don't think that's necessarily the case. I have seen pretty late
>with pretty early serial numbers. Ford built and stamped all their
>in Michigan and shipped them out from there to the assembly plants.
>Consecutively numbered engines might hit the assembly line months
>due to shipping delays (shipping by rail to the CA assembly plant
>accounted for a 2 week delay) and the fact that since the engines
aren't a
>perishable item, so stock wasn't rotated to keep the units "fresh".
>GPW serial numbers were derived from the engine, which was stamped at
>assembly and then that number was stamped into whatever chassis it
ended up
>in and then transferred to the dash tag during final assembly the GPW
>have the same weird skew that the engines have but that's why the GPW
>engine numbers match the frame (or more correctly the frame numbers
>the engines). (They didn't have guys walking through the factory
>for the right engine for each chassis.)
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