> From: mtowers@netxpress.com
> To: mil-veh@skylee.com
> Subject: [MV] M37 Carb Probs
> Date: Saturday, March 07, 1998 9:40 PM
> Ok Guys, Here's a Puzzler for You:
> I recently bought a 52 M37 on which the previous owner installed an
> electric fuel pump. Seems like a good idea, except that the engine runs
> rough, like the choke was constantly full out, and worse, fuel is
> migrating into the oil pan.
> One mechanic says that the fuel pump is producing too much pressure, and
> that it needs a regulator. Another mechanic says that the carb needle
> valve and seat is not working properly, and all it needs is some carb
> work.
> Ok list, what do YOU GUYS think?
> Thanks in advance for your help and advice.
> Mike T.
> M37 et al
> ===
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